Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lution's log

The anatomy of a time fly comprises organs whose functions are not fully understood though the poisonous effect of time has long been established. That their eyes see more than ours, causing the range of their knowledge to be unlimited, was postulated early on by one of those later called flyboys. Flyboys consider it a mark of honor to be more or less mad – a mark of what one might call professional distinguishment. Eddie is one, of course. In restrospect, one can see him as an incredible innocent or, perhaps more to the point, a credible one. Sad to say, this view requires experiences that so alter the mind of the viewer as to render him much farther gone, and that is saying a lot, than Eddie himself.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Extinction Coefficient

may damsel horse dragon
flat though exact
whose intended usage
untraced Neolithic fauna
baffles the salamander

the fly lowers herself
where green might gather
amphibian skulls appear
bookworms fade

light grows again
night mummified
scattered among icy

flown now or
fooled by perception
into being false
she to bleed
he to sleep and read

the music of the animals
primitive mosses whose surviving
circles of chalk
draw us out