It's Tinia's new form that worries me, though I know she is doing it for the money or, you know, the time. It is so unlike her to rely on mere parallel alliterative connotation. She risks falling out of thought -- assuming she is trying to get anywhere, which is hard to assume as I can never see her. I believe she can see me and of course anyone can see Eddie.
He knows of the danger. The dangers. He tells me everything when we meet in the afternoons. There has been talk of his taking a leadership role though he is not a poet. He says that, by definition, everything he writes is prose. I don't agree but we don't talk about it. You know how he is. He has been working with individuals, groups,coteries -- whatever. He has formed several movements recently by putting people in touch. He has the run of the cafes.
Things are happening very rapidly now. I have to go.
Right now,